Tuesday, October 1, 2019

New Mom Survival Was Made Easier With These Five Things

Publisher: The Daily Beast
Date: 2019-09-29T09:00:00.000Z
Author: Jessica Booth
Twitter: @thedailybeast
Reference: Visit Source

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How pregnancy monitoring technology contributes to the war on women - The Washington Post

Technology plays a growing role in the ongoing "war on women," an onslaught of laws, policies and political discourse built on the belief that children, babies and even fetuses require "protection" from pregnant women and mothers. Biometric technology in particular, which uses biological information to track, monitor and collect data, has potentially punitive and far-reaching potential to enhance the surveillance of women's reproduction! Baby Dove Body Washes Gently Cleanse, Hydrate, & Care For Your Baby's Delicate Skin!! Enter the Owlet Band, the "world's first consumer pregnancy monitor" coming in late 2019, which offers surveillance in sleek consumer packaging. Owlet was founded in 2013 by four male graduates of Brigham Young University and has already made its mark in the field of "infant wearables" with a Smart Sock device that tracks babies' vital signs while they sleep. The Owlet Band promises the next step in monitoring by introducing the process before birth! Baby Dove Cleansing Wipes Make Clean-Ups & Diaper Changes Quick & Easy W/ Our Wipes!! It does so with a stretchy, form-fitting material that encircles a pregnant woman's midsection in a net of sensors that track the movements of her growing fetus.

Publisher: Washington Post
Reference: Visit Source

Wyoming Department of Health Expands Use of Wildflower Health's Personalized Healthcare Platfo
Partnership Will Boost Access to Wellness for Wyoming Families by Providing Digital Health Tools and Connecting Individuals to Key Resources Statewide

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Wildflower Health and the Wyoming Department of Health are building on their successful partnership to support healthy pregnancies by expanding the use of Wildflower's personalized healthcare platform to support overall wellness for Wyoming families, uniquely combining access to multiple Wyoming health resources.

Date: A9862C0E6E1BE95BCE0BF3D0298FD58B
Twitter: @YahooFinance
Reference: Visit Source

Ultrasound might become a new way to manage diabetes | Science News for Students
This is one in a series presenting news on technology and innovation, made possible with generous support from the Lemelson Foundation
During pregnancy, parents love to take a first peek at the baby developing inside mom's body. Special sound waves, with a frequency too high for the human ear to hear, make this imaging possible! Personalize A Baby Gift Customize A Unique Gift Set of Baby Lotion & Body Wash Bottles!! But these ultrasound waves can do much more. Researchers are now exploring whether this type of energy can control diabetes before it damages the body

In most people with diabetes, the body doesn't respond normally to the hormone insulin. In some people, the body doesn't make insulin at all. Insulin's job is to move a simple sugar (glucose) circulating in our blood into cells throughout the body. Glucose fuels the growth and activity of those cells! Tips on Baby Skin Care Visit Our Baby Care Tips Page & Find Everything You Need to Know!! If insulin can't do its job, glucose builds up in the blood. Over time, that can damage organs.

Publisher: Science News for Students
Date: 2019-10-01T06:45:25-04:00
Author: Silke Schmidt
Twitter: @SNStudents
Reference: Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

How Technology Is Transforming Care for New and Expectant Mothers | HealthTech Magazine
Bottom line: Patient experience is important to women , and patient-centric programs that offer greater convenience, lower costs, and top-notch patient safety and quality are a powerful marketing tool
Healthcare organizations, to that end, increasingly are turning to digital tools to improve the patient experience for expectant mothers
* * *

Ochsner Health System, a nonprofit based in southeastern Louisiana, for instance, offers a free digital health tool called Connected Maternity Online Monitoring (Connected MOM) to help expectant mothers manage their pregnancy with fewer visits to the obstetrician. Patients use advanced wireless technology — including scales and blood pressure cuffs that connect to their smartphone — to send weight and BP readings directly to their medical record, where a team of health coaches and obstetrics care providers monitor the data.

Publisher: Technology Solutions That Drive Healthcare
Date: 1557511769
Reference: Visit Source

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