Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Icymi Galen Gering Interview Soap Opera Digest

Galen Gering (Rafe, DAYS
Soap Opera Digest: You just marked 10 years on DAYS last October, which is just sort of mind-boggling to think in light of the fact that you were on PASSIONS for quite a while before DAYS. So, first of all, what is it like for you to mark that milestone and what were your feelings coming on to DAYS 10 years ago
Digest: 1999 was when PASSIONS de-buted. Do you remember your audition? What did you know about the show before landing the job
Digest: Did you know you were going to have scenes with an orangutan Digest: Yeah, but they all existed in the same world, but you were part of the more grounded part of the canvas

Gering: I always wanted more like crazy, campy stuff, at least as far as the witchcraft and all of those things were concerned! ICYMI: Galen Gering Interview - Soap Opera Digest /content/ ...18 years after hitting the daytime scene, DAYS's Galen Gering is still happy to call it home. When Galen Gering was cast as PASSIONS's Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald in 1999, he never expected he would ...!! I mean, I don't know about the whole orangutan thing! ICYMI: Galen Gering Interview - Soap Opera Digest /content/ icymi - galen - gering - interview -2 Galen Gering (Rafe, DAYS) was a guest on Digest's podcast, Dishing With Digest, where he looked back at his start on PASSIONS and how that led him to Salem. Soap Opera Digest: You just marked 10 ...!! It was challenging.

Publisher: Soap Opera Digest
Date: 2019-03-26T14:58:08+00:00
Author: https www soapoperadigest com author SOD
Twitter: @SoapDigest
Reference: Visit Source

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Date: 2010-12-26T20:18:27+0000
Author: https www facebook com DailyMail
Reference: Visit Source

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