Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Aliens Ahoy Navy Developing Guidelines On Reporting Ufo Sightings

Encounters with unidentified aircraft by pilots have once again prompted Department of Defense officials to take action

More specifically, the Navy confirmed that the service is drafting guidelines to establish a formal process for pilots and military personnel to report UFO sightings, Politico first reported

The move comes following a surge in what the Navy called a series of intrusions by advanced aircraft on Navy carrier strike groups

"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," a Navy spokesperson told Politico

"For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.

Publisher: Navy Times
Date: 2019-04-25T18:52:16.597Z
Author: J D Simkins
Reference: Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

UFOs: Pentagon gives classified briefing to congress members about unexplained encounters by US nav
Earlier this year, a number of pilots reported seeing the objects on an almost daily basis from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, while flying navy jets off the East Coast

Now, the military has provided a classified briefings on the encounters to a group of senators, after the president said last week he had been updated on the issue

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"Navy officials did indeed meet with interested congressional members and staffers on Wednesday to provide a classified brief on efforts to understand and identify these threats to the safety and security of our aviators," the navy said in a statement, of the briefings that took place on Capitol Hill on Wednesday and Thursday

"Navy officials will continue to keep interested congressional members and staff informed. Given the classified nature of these discussions, we will not comment on the specific information provided in these Hill briefings.

Publisher: The Independent
Date: 2019-06-20T23:36:00+01:00
Author: Andrew Buncombe
Twitter: @independent
Reference: Visit Source

Trump briefed on UFOs, but doesn't 'particularly' believe in them
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump doesn't seem to be a believer of aliens or UFOs flying through Earth's atmosphere , although he has been briefed on them

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, in a wide-ranging interview , asked Trump about recent news reports about Navy pilots spotting flying objects and what he made of the apparent UFO sightings

"I want them to think whatever they think," Trump said, raising his eyebrows and slightly grinning before adding that he did have "one really brief meeting on it

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Stephanopoulos followed up, asking the president whether he thought he'd actually know if the U.S. had any proof of extraterrestrials — a question Trump didn't appear to actually answer directly

Trump's comments followed a number of reports chronicling how the government has examined UFO sightings and a report in the New York Times about Navy pilots reporting bizarre flying objects, including one that looked like a "spinning top" and another with no visible engine that could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Christal Hayes
Twitter: @usatoday
Reference: Visit Source

Please, God, Let It Be Aliens and Not Trump's Space Force | Vanity Fair
The subordinate says he missed the news. "It was covered up by the higher echelon," Edwards explains. "Flying saucers, Captain, are still a rumor! Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO ...aliens - ahoy - navy ...Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO sightings. By: J.D. Simkins April 25 . The Navy is reportedly drafting guidelines on how to report UFO sightings, like the apparent one ...!! Officially

If the objects are real, as opposed to optical illusions or radar glitches, they move in a mystifying manner and suggest a technological breakthrough of history-altering importance! Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO ...-on...Home Navy Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO sightings. Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO sightings. Sharing is caring! Share; Tweet; Pin; Encounters with unidentified aircraft by pilots have once again prompted Department of Defense officials to take action.!! Odds are low that they're products of the U.S. military, because some of these vessels have come close to colliding with manned U.S. aircraft, and such recklessness would be unlikely among aerospace experts in a secret program! Aliens, ahoy! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO ...reporting-ufo...Encounters with unidentified aircraft by pilots have once again prompted Department of Defense officials to take action. More specifically, the Navy confirmed that the service is drafting guidelines to establish a formal process for pilots and military personnel to report UFO sightings, Politico first reported. The move comes following a surge in what the Navy called a series of intrusions by ...!! On the other hand, such recklessness would also be odd for any other country capable of producing such vessels! ALIENS, AHOY! NAVY DEVELOPING GUIDELINES ON REPORTING UFO /watch?v=Ngm4NIftzfw The Navy is reportedly drafting guidelines on how to report UFO sightings, like the apparent one here, seen in a declassified Department of Defense video.For safety and security concerns, the Navy ...!! Looks like that leaves only Zorgon.

Publisher: Vanity Fair
Author: Condé Nast
Twitter: @VanityFair
Reference: Visit Source

Were you following this:

UFOs Remain Elusive Despite Decades of Study | Space
In July, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) celebrates 50 years of investigating and promoting research on the unidentified flying object phenomenon! Rural Nevada not equipped for big 'storm Area 51' turnout ...Aliens , ahoy ! Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO sightings Encounters with unidentified aircraft by pilots have once again prompted officials from the Department of Defense to take action.!! The all-volunteer, nonprofit, science-based organization has endeavored since 1969 to hunt down answers about baffling vehicles of unknown origin

Based in Irvine, California, MUFON makes its credo clear-cut on its website: "Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, 'Are we alone in the universe?' The answer, very simply, is no

After five decades, has there been any scientific pay dirt in studying UFOs

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"I've seen these craft. I know they are real," he told "I can't tell you where they're from. I don't know if they are ours or belong to somebody else or whatever. But they are advanced technology." 

Date: 2019-06-26T14:56:44+00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: Visit Source

John Podesta and Blink-182's Tom DeLonge Agree: The U.S. Needs to Get 'Serious' About UFOs
The series follows former military operative Luis Elizondo's efforts to solidify public concern and outline government (in)action in response to the threat of UFOs. In 2017, Elizondo walked away from his 20-year Department of Defense career, including a stint running the Pentagon's discreet Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, to independently investigate UFO claims

"I ultimately left the Department of Defense because of my loyalty to the department and to the secretary, not disloyalty," Elizondo pointedly says early on in the premiere episode

While Unidentified refuses to explicitly state that UFOs equal aliens, many of its talking heads put all the dots in place. "These aircrafts seem to defy all of the known aerodynamic properties that we're familiar with," says Politico's National Security Correspondent Bryan Bender. Minutes later, Christopher Cooke, a retired lieutenant colonel of the U.S. Marines says, "I have no idea what that thing is, and it's not acting like a... It's not acting like anything I've ever seen."

Publisher: The Daily Beast
Date: 2019-05-31T09:22:13.000Z
Author: Joseph Longo
Twitter: @thedailybeast
Reference: Visit Source

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