Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Google S Quantum Computer Means For Bitcoin

What Google's quantum computer means for Bitcoin - Decrypt

A document published—and later deleted—by NASA a few days ago revealed that we could soon be entering a new technological era: Google has achieved "quantum supremacy"—supposedly.

According to the Financial Times, Google claims to have successfully built the world's most powerful quantum computer. What Google's quantum computer means for Bitcoin - Decrypt what-google - quantum - computer - means -for-bitcoin According to the Financial Times, Google claims to have successfully built the world's most powerful quantum computer. What that means, according to Google's researchers , is that calculations that normally take more than 10,000 years to perform, it's computer was able to do in about 200 seconds . What that means, according to Google's researchers, is that calculations that normally take more than 10,000 years to perform, it's computer was able to do in about 200 seconds.

Publisher: Decrypt
Date: 2019-09-25T18:10:25
Author: Decrypt Jose Antonio Lanz
Twitter: @decryptmedia
Reference: Visit Source

I've got some issues with the timing. What Google's Quantum Supremacy Means For Cryptocurrency what-googles - quantum -supremacy- means -for-cryptocurrency In a new scientific publication, tech giant Google claims to have reached 'quantum supremacy' with a 53-qubit quantum computer. This definition means that the machine has solved a problem that no classical computer could solve within a reasonable timeframe. Hmm, I did not have much time to read anything new as yet.

Were you following this:

Google for India 2019: 9 major announcements from Google's India event - Technology News

Google hosted the fifth edition of its annual Google for India event in New Delhi on Thursday, September 19. The event, the first edition of which the tech giant hosted back in 2015, saw Google announcing a host of updates to its platforms. Google expected to achieve quantum supremacy in 2019: Here ... /science/2019/07/19/ google -expected-to-achieve- quantum -supremacy... Google's reportedly on the verge of demonstrating a quantum computer capable of feats no ordinary classical computer could perform . The term for this is quantum supremacy, and experts believe ... The event also saw the company announcing new products and initiatives that are designed specifically for the Indian users. Google's quantum breakthrough means quantum's finally ... google - quantum - computers -supremacy It just means the moment that a quantum computer completes a task that conventional computers find impossible . In Google's case , that meant telling the quantum computer to run a random set of... From bringing support for various Indic languages onto a number of platforms such as Search, Lens and Bolo to announcing a new artificial intelligence (AI) based lab in India, Google for India event 2019 saw the company going all 'desi' and introducing feartures that cater to the masses.

Publisher: India Today
Date: 2019-09-23T11:06:36+05:30
Twitter: @indiatoday
Reference: Visit Source

New Google Tool Tracks G Suite Usage -- Campus Technology

Google has introduced a new way for G Suite for Education administrators to gain insights into the habits of their educators who utilize the company’s productivity apps. A transformation report will be available to administrators twice a year at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

This report will enable G Suite administrators to track patterns across Google products, including G Suite offerings and Chromebooks.  Information on educator participation rates in Google's certification programs will also be available.

Publisher: Campus Technology
Reference: Visit Source

'Right to Be Forgotten' Privacy Rule Is Limited by Europe's Top Court - The New York Times

LONDON — Europe's highest court limited the reach of the landmark online privacy law known as "right to be forgotten" on Tuesday, restricting people's ability to control what information is available about them on the internet.

The decision is likely to head off international disputes over the reach of European laws outside the 28-nation bloc. The court said Europe could not impose the right to be forgotten on countries that did not recognize the law.

Date: 2019-09-24T08:47:39.000Z
Reference: Visit Source

Sorry, you were talking to me? It's always good to chat about stuff.

In case you are keeping track:

Google Assistant voices new privacy actions for devices | Fox Business

Google has responded to the outrage over privacy issues involving its Google Assistant-powered products by making adjustments to how it is storing audio recordings.

* * *

The concerns arose from Google’s process in which language experts can listen to and transcribe audio data from the Assistant to help improve speech technology for different languages.

“It's clear that we fell short of our high standards in making it easy for you to understand how your data is used, and we apologize,” Nino Tasca, Senior Product Manager, Google Assistant, wrote in a Google blog post this week, “When we learned about these concerns, we immediately paused this process of human transcription globally to investigate, and conducted a full review of our systems and controls.”

Publisher: Fox Business
Date: 2019-09-25
Twitter: @FoxBusiness
Reference: Visit Source

Google researchers have reportedly achieved "quantum supremacy" - MIT Technology Review

Publisher: MIT Technology Review
Date: 2019-09-23T13:58:21-04:00
Twitter: @techreview
Reference: Visit Source

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