Thursday, September 26, 2019

Us Navy Allegedly Confirms Ufo Footage Is Real Says We Were Never Meant To See It

The US Navy has for the first time confirmed that a set of eerie, grainy videos that appear to show UFOs flying through the sky are indeed real – and contain phenomena the military still cannot identify.

The sensational footage in question – which began appearing in media outlets including The New York Times from December 2017 onward – was captured by US Navy pilots, and sourced by a private research group, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), founded by rock musician Tom DeLonge.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: Peter Dockrill
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: Visit Source

Other things to check out:

US Navy confirms videos show unidentified aerial phenomena, not aliens - Business Insider

In 2017, The New York Times published a story that chronicled an in-air interaction between US Navy pilots and a strange object near San Diego.

The pilots had snagged footage of an oblong flying object with their F-18's gun camera on November 14, 2004. The object appeared dark against the bright daytime sky before "suddenly and instantaneously accelerating to the left, out of view of the [camera] sensor at what appears to be an unprecedented velocity," the video narrates.

Publisher: Business Insider
Author: Dave Mosher Aylin Woodward
Twitter: @SciInsider
Reference: Visit Source

Leaked classified 'UFO footage' is real, US Navy confirms | Science & Tech News | Sky News

The clips - published by the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science In December 2017 and March 2018 - showed several mystery objects travelling through the air at high speed.

One of the videos was from 2004, while the other two were recorded in 2015 and featured audio from US fighter pilots expressing disbelief at what they they were seeing - unsure if the objects were drones or something else.

While the US Navy remains none the wiser as to what the pilots saw, it has confirmed that the leaked footage is real and that the objects have been classified as "unidentified aerial phenomena."

Publisher: Sky News
Twitter: @skynews
Reference: Visit Source

UFO videos are footage of real 'unidentified' objects, US Navy acknowledges | Fox News

“The Navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in those three videos as unidentified," Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher told The Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified government documents.

Gradisher added that “the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”

Publisher: Fox News
Twitter: @foxnews
Reference: Visit Source

This may worth something:

U.S. Navy says it's tracking UFOs - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Strange flying objects captured on video by Navy fighter pilots off the coast of San Diego in 2004 and in Atlantic waters in 2015 were acknowledged by the Navy as "unidentified aerial phenomena" last week, the first time the service has acknowledged the objects are real.

A Navy spokesman told The Black Vault that the Navy had no "descriptions, hypothesis of conclusions" about objects in the three videos! Videos for Us Navy Allegedly Confirms Ufo Footage US Navy confirms UFO footage is real!! The videos are labeled on YouTube as "FLIR1," "Gimbal" and "Go Fast."

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The Navy also told The Black Vault the dates on which each video was shot. FLIR1 was shot by an F/A-18 Super Hornet assigned to the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego on Nov. 14, 2004. The other two videos were shot on Jan. 15, 2015. On the "Gimbal" video, one pilot says on the radio "Look at that thing, dude."

Publisher: San Diego Union-Tribune
Date: 2019-09-18T00:49:47.973
Author: https www sandiegouniontribune com sd andrew dyer 20180708 staff html
Twitter: @sdut
Reference: Visit Source

'What is that, man?' Navy confirms videos of flying objects

NORFOLK, Va. — In one of the videos, a small object streaks across the sky before the U.S. Navy fighter jet's tracking system locks on and follows it.

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The Navy isn't offering an explanation — at least not publicly — for exactly what that object was. But the service is confirming the authenticity of that video and two others taken from its planes in 2004 and 2015.

The release of the videos, which have been circulating online and in news reports, was not authorized, Navy officials said. But the footage has prompted the Navy to publicly discuss an ongoing investigation into sightings by its pilots of what it describes as "unidentified aerial phenomena" or UAPs in U.S. airspace on both coasts.

Publisher: Navy Times
Date: 2019-09-20T21:42:36.747Z
Author: Ben Finley The Associated Press
Reference: Visit Source

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