Thursday, September 26, 2019

Can Japan Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi Get Past Gaffes To Ease Country S Unlikely Dependence On Coal

Can Japan Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi get past gaffes to ease country's unlikely dependence on coal? - CBS News

Tokyo — It wasn't the most auspicious coming-out for an environment minister. Sweeping into New York for the U.N. Climate Summit, 38-year-old Shinjiro Koizumi approached his first foreign assignment with the same savoir faire he deploys to great effect at home. 

The son of a popular former prime minister, Koizumi has been compared by Western analysts to the likes of JFK and (pre-scandal) Justin Trudeau. He wears his celebrity and political pedigree like a halo. But in New York this week, the trademark fluid self-assurance and fluent English — both rare commodities in a Japanese politician — seemed for once to betray him.

Twitter: @CBSNews
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And here's another article:

Climate change fight should be 'sexy' and 'fun', Japan's new environment minister says | The Independent Home Home Shape left right Shape Social/Facebook Social/Twitter

Japan has taken little action on climate change, and its continued use of coal and promotion of coal use in other nations has been widely condemned

"In politics there are so many issues, sometimes boring. On tackling such a big-scale issue like climate change, it's got to be fun, it's got to be cool. It's got to be sexy too," Koizumi told a news conference in New York.

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"We are committed to realising a decarbonised society, and we are ready to contribute as a more powerful country in the fight against climate change," he said.

Japanese students in Tokyo were among the millions of young people who took to the streets on Friday to express the fear and outrage they feel over the failure of governments to control greenhouse gas emissions, which hit a record high last year.

Publisher: The Independent
Date: 2019-09-22T18:41:00+01:00
Author: Matthew Green
Twitter: @independent
Reference: Visit Source

The sexy electric vehicle you probably haven't heard of sets its sights on San Diego - The San Diego Union-Tribune

There's a new electric vehicle brand on the block and it's made San Diego one of its target cities to show off its high-performance sedan with lofty ambitions — to take a chunk of market share from the hot-selling Tesla Model 3.

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Production is slated to begin in the first quarter and when the car hits the streets in the second quarter, Polestar plans on opening retail operations in four West Coast cities in the U.S. — San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle — and one in Canada (Vancouver, British Columbia).

It's not yet known where the physical San Diego space will be located. Company executives are working with Volvo retail franchises to determine where to place what they call "Polestar Spaces" that will be attached to a local dealership. Can Japan Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi get past /news/ ...get-past...Japan's newly appointed Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi arrives at the prime minister's official residence on September 11, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan . Goodman envisions a showroom of relatively modest size — about 2,500 square feet.

Publisher: San Diego Union-Tribune
Date: 2019-09-20T13:00:42.326
Author: https www sandiegouniontribune com sdut rob nikolewski staff html
Twitter: @sdut
Reference: Visit Source

TikTok's local moderation guidelines ban pro-LGBT content | Technology | The Guardian

TikTok's efforts to provide locally sensitive moderation have resulted in it banning any content that could be seen as positive to gay people or gay rights, down to same-sex couples holding hands, even in countries where homosexuality has never been illegal, the Guardian can reveal.

One, the "strict" guidelines, were used in countries with conservative moral codes, and contained a significantly more restrictive set of rules concerning nudity and vulgarity, which ban, for instance, "partially naked buttocks", exposed cleavage with "a length of more than 1/3 of the whole cleavage length", and lengthy depictions of sanitary pads.

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2019-09-26T13:34:46.000Z
Author: Alex Hern
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: Visit Source

Check out this next:

Give WeWork's Adam Neumann credit for making landlords sexy - Business -

As potentially fascinating as it might be, the truth about the real Adam Neumann, the currently disgraced founder of WeWork, will almost certainly remain a mystery to the general public. As Japan's new environment minister, Shinjiro Koizumi ...www. japan ...japan ...As Japan's new environment minister , Shinjiro Koizumi seeks innovation to fight climate change. Kyodo On the other hand, the truth about the company and whether its business model of icy-cool shared office space is the future of work, or a passing fad, we’ll probably know soon enough.

Even taking into account the pace at which social media destroys reputations, Neumann’s fall was fast and furious. Japan's new environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi wants to /.../ japan ...environment - minister - ...wants-scrap Japan's newly installed environment minister , Shinjiro Koizumi , wants the country to close down nuclear reactors to avoid a repeat of the Fukushima catastrophe in 2011. It took just five weeks from the from the time WeWork’s parent company filed for an initial public offering in mid-August until he was ousted as CEO on Tuesday. Shinjiro Koizumi is poised to lead Japan's clean-energy Shinjiro ...clean...Opinion Shinjiro Koizumi is poised to lead Japan 's clean-energy revolution. Youthful and handsome new environment minister can supplant nuclear power In that short time, his image morphed from billionaire visionary into borderline personality unworthy of running the company he had built.

Date: 2019-09-25T19:37:34+0300
Twitter: @haaretzcom
Reference: Visit Source

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