Friday, September 27, 2019

5 Industries That Robotics Have Disrupted Drastically

At first glance, some industries don’t seem like they could benefit from robots, whether the work is too delicate or where full automation is impractical! Discover The Shark IQ Robot™ - The Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty™ ...Robot Equipped With IQ Navigation For An Efficient & Systematic Cleaning Path. See All Deals! 0% APR · Every Day Low Prices · DuoClean® Technology Types: Upright, Stick, Cordless, Robotic, Steam Mops Shark® Official-Site Meet The Vacuum That Delivers Non-Stop Hair Removal. Get Info!!! But in recent years, robots have shifted in some of their style to reach into new areas! Explore The Shark Apex® Get Shark's Ultimate Carpet And Floor Cleaning Experience Today!!! For example, in manufacturing some companies are exploring smaller robots that team up with human workers to make jobs safer and more efficient.

Changes like these have drastically improved several other industries. Here’s a look at five industries where we’ve seen some drastic disruption.

Drones and robots are being used in agricultural to assist human workers and make tasks that were previously difficult or tedious much more efficient! Robotics Process Automation - Search Here - Robotics Process Automation/Now Find Robotics Process Automation. Get Reliable Results Here! Reduce Costs · Financial Services · White Papers!! The tasks aren’t always the ones you would think needed automating.

Publisher: Robotics Business Review
Date: 2019-09-27T20:00:39+00:00
Reference: Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot goes on sale - BBC News

A robotics company whose creations have amassed millions of views on YouTube, is renting out one of its stars, Spot.

It suggested Spot could be useful in construction, the oil and gas industry and for those working in public safety.

* * *

Noel Sharkey, robotics experts and professor of computer science at Sheffield University, said "Spot is possibly the world's finest example of a quadruped robot and since the addition of a robot arm, it seems a little more practical - but will it be practical enough at that price?

Publisher: BBC News
Author: https www facebook com bbcnews
Twitter: @BBCWorld
Reference: Visit Source

Iowa State University opens emerging technology lab for manufacturers

The lab received $250,000 from the Iowa Economic Development Authority, and $100,000 from Alliant Energy.

Iowa State University's Center for Industrial Research and Service has been learning how to use a 3D metal printer, Chris Hill from the CIRAS Technology Assistance Program explains how the printer works.

AMES, Ia. — Iowa's small-town manufacturers are in a crunch, state leaders say. They don't have the talent pool to expand operations, and they don't have the funds to experiment with new technology that could boost productivity.

Publisher: Des Moines Register
Author: The lab received 250 000 from the Iowa Economic Development Authority and 100 000 from Alliant Energy
Twitter: @DMRegister
Reference: Visit Source

Google News - Boston Dynamics' Spot robot is now available - Overview
Publisher: Google News
Reference: Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Robots made famous on YouTube could be headed to circus - New Canaan Advertiser

BOSTON (AP) — Animal-like robots that started out as a military-funded research project might be shipped off to the circus instead of the battlefield.

The agile robots walk, climb stairs and open doors. They have become famous on YouTube but haven't been applied commercially since the company was founded in 1992.

That's changing this fall. The Waltham, Massachusetts, robotics firm revealed in a YouTube post this week that Spot is now in mass production and shipping to select customers for such uses as monitoring construction sites or inspecting energy facilities.

Publisher: New Canaan Advertiser
Date: 2019-09-26T21:20:21Z
Twitter: @newcanaannews
Reference: Visit Source

Atlas gets acrobatic as Boston Dynamics launches Spot sales

Boston Dynamics' nimble dog-like Spot robot is finally on sale … technically. And as the robotics company officially launches its first commercial product we are also offered yet another spectacular look at the humanoid Atlas' growing arsenal of skills, this time demonstrating its incredible gymnastic capabilities.

To formally reveal the commercial launch of Spot, Boston Dynamics has produced an impressive ad highlighting all the robot's technical specifications! 5 Industries that Robotics Have Disrupted Drastically ...www. robotics ...-disrupted...The robotics industry continues to grow year after year, and even industries that seem impossible to automate are benefiting from advances in robotics technology. In the future, it may be completely normal for robots to work alongside humans workers in all fields — not replacing them, but lightening the burden of work.!! The current commercial iteration of Spot can run for 90 minutes off a single (swappable) battery charge, can carry up to 14 kg (30 lb), operate in temperatures spanning -20° C to 45° C (-4° F to 113° F), and is built to withstand dusty and wet environments.

Publisher: New Atlas
Date: 2019-09-25T01:49:32.058
Author: https newatlas com author rich haridy
Twitter: @nwtls
Reference: Visit Source

Three years ago it could barely walk. Now Atlas the humanoid robot is doing gymnastics. - The Washington Post

The Internet gawks each time Boston Dynamics releases a new video showing its eye-catching humanoid robot, Atlas, performing newly acquired acrobatic tricks.

But until now, most of the machine's maneuvering — whether it was jogging, hopping over a log or executing box jumps — has remained well within the realm of average human athleticism.

* * *

If the tech company's recently uploaded video is any indication, Atlas has, in a matter of months, graduated from middle-school gym class to something approaching a professional athlete! 5 Industries Utilizing Robotics | Ohio University ...5 - ...robotics The following five industries are utilizing this new technology to boost efficiency and convenience for both businesses and consumers. Health Care. Advances in robotics have the potential to change a wide variety of health care practices, such as surgery, rehabilitation, therapy, patient companionship, and everyday activities.!! In the 38-second video, the sturdy, battery-powered machine — standing 4 foot 9 inches and weighing 176 pounds — unleashes an exceedingly nimble routine (using its legs, arms and torso) with a degree of gracefulness that you'd expect from a human being with years of training.

Publisher: Washington Post
Author: https www facebook com peter holley 923
Reference: Visit Source

Boston Dynamics Shows Off Atlas Robot And Announces Spot Is Available To Public | Digital Trends

Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot, known as Atlas, showed off its impressive parkour capabilities in a new video the robotics company posted to YouTube on Tuesday, coinciding with the commercial launch of their dog-like robot, Spot.

In the video, the Atlas robot shows off in a gymnastic routine, complete with somersaults, handstands, jumps, and turns.

Boston Dynamics said in the video's description that a new algorithm was used that tracks the robots' motions and predicts its next maneuvers. The company said that with the latest technological approach, the Atlas has a performance success rate of about 80%.

Publisher: Digital Trends
Date: 2019-09-24T10:03:08-07:00
Twitter: @digitaltrends
Reference: Visit Source

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